what is your favorite food? Why?

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I'm a food lover so it's very hard for me to pick one favorite. But if i have to choose, it'd be Pho. Pho is a popular option for meals in Vietnam.  As the matter of fact, among the well-known offerings of Saigon street food, Pho is consistently ranked a top choice. No matter what time of day or night, a steaming bowl of pho noodle soup is never hard to find in Vietnam. So then, why is Pho at the top of my list? It is understandable that many people fall in love with Pho, because it has featuring smell and taste that we cannot find anywhere else. The noodle is also special since it is not like other kinds of noodle. It is made from rice flour, and it is thicker than the others. After pouring the stock into a bowl of noodle, the next step is to put on the beef slices and other toppings. I like to eat rare beef slices and meat ball, and they are also the basic toppings that Vietnamese people like to choose. That's all

My favourite food is chicken. Because this only very easy to make quickly and it is very favourite food over the world I hope that. Right now I was staying with my friends as a bachelor. Before liked it , mostly I won't like this after came to friend room I liked it. Because he should be cooking chicken curry and gravy too he should do very well. So that I liked this . Before one year I had never eaten and seen it in chicken recipe. Right now I'm taking much this . But sometimes I should be afraid of chicken, because chicken is not good for health now a days coming broiler chickens so it is not good health. Mostly must not take this . It's my suggestion for everyone. Because we need good health.

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