VIII: Rewrite the following sentence: 1, If you want my advice, I'd forget about buying a new house. --> If I ............................................................................................... 2, If there is an emergency, ring this number. --> In case........................................................................................ 3, He spends too much money on his clothes. --> If I................................................................................................... 4, Minh is overweight because he eats too much chocolate. --> If Minh ......................................................................................... 5, You should take a map with you because you might get lost in the moutains. --> In case........................................................................................... 6, We won't go on holiday unless we have enough money. --> If we................................................................................................ 7, '' You shouldn't eat too much meat!'. --> If I....................................................................................................... 8, Without her help we would all have died. --> If it........................................................................................................ 9, It is such a pity your sister can't come as well. --> If only.................................................................................................... 10, Keeeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test. --> As long as............................................................................................. 11, I will lend you the money as long as you promise to pay me back. --> On condition that.................................................................................. 12, The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister. --> But for..................................................................................................... 13, It would have been a superb weekend if it hadn't been for the weather. --> But for..................................................................................................... 14, If we don't hurry, the sun will rise before we reach the top. --> We should hurry ,....................................................................................

2 câu trả lời

1. if i were you, I wouldn't buy a new house

2. in case there is an emergency, ring this number

3. if i were him, I wouldn't spend too much money on clothes

4. if minh didn't eat too much chocolate, he wouldn't be overweight

5. in case you get lost in the mountains, take a map with you

6. if we have enough money, we will go on holiday

7. if i were you, I wouldn't eat too much meat

8. if it hadn't been for her help, we would all have died

9. if only your sister could come 

10. as long as you kept calm, you'll pass your driving test

11. on condition that you promise to pay me back, I will lend you the money

12. but for the death of the Prime Minister, the bill would have been passed

13. but for the weather, it would have been a superb weekend

14. we should hurry or the sun will rise before we reach the top

1. were you, I wouldn't buy a new house

2. there is an emergency, ring this number

3. were him, I wouldn't spend too much money on clothes

4. didn't eat too much chocolate, he wouldn't be overweight

5. you get lost in the mountains, take a map with you

6. have enough money, we will go on holiday

7. were you, I wouldn't eat too much meat

8. hadn't been for her help, we would all have died

9. your sister could come as well

10. you keep calm, you'll pass your driving test

11. you promise to pay me back, I will lend you the money

12. the death of the Prime Minister, the bill would have been passed

13. the weather, it would have been a superb weekend

14. or the sun will rise before we reach the top.

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