viết project water pollution

2 câu trả lời

The level of fresh drinking water is getting less day by day on the earth. There is a limited availability of drinking water on the earth however that too is getting polluted because of human activities. It is tough to estimate the probability of life on the earth in the absence of fresh drinking water. Water pollution is the mixing of foreign substances by means of organic, inorganic, biological and radiological in the water degrading the quality and usefulness of water.

Perilous pollutants may contain various types of impurities including harmful chemicals, dissolved gases, suspended matters, dissolved minerals, and even microbes. All the contaminants reduce the level of dissolved oxygen in the water and affecting the lives of animals and human beings to a great extent. Dissolved oxygen is the oxygen present in water required by the aquatic system to continue the lives of plants and animals. However biochemical oxygen is the demanded oxygen by the aerobic micro-organisms to oxidize organic matters of wastes. Water pollution is caused by two means, one is natural water pollution ( due to the leaching of rocks, decay of organic matters, decay of dead matters, silting, soil erosion, etc ) and another one is man-made water pollution ( due to the deforestation, set up of industries near large water bodies, high level emission of industrial wastes, domestic sewage, synthetic chemicals, radio-active wastes, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides etc ).

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Lượng nước uống tinh khiết ngày càng trở nên ít đi trên trái đất. Nước uống trên trái đất vốn đã hạn chế, tuy nhiên cũng đang bị ô nhiễm bởi các hoạt động của con người. Thật khó để ước tính khả năng của sự sống trên trái đất khi không có nước uống sạch. Ô nhiễm nước là sự pha trộn của các chất lạ thông qua các chất hữu cơ, vô cơ, sinh học và phóng xạ trong nước làm suy giảm chất lượng và tính hữu ích của nước.

Các chất gây ô nhiễm nguy hiểm có thể chứa nhiều loại tạp chất bao gồm các hóa chất độc hại, khí hoà tan, các chất lơ lửng, các khoáng chất hòa tan, và thậm chí là các vi khuẩn. Tất cả các chất gây ô nhiễm làm giảm mức oxy hoà tan trong nước và ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của động vật và con người ở mức độ lớn. Oxy hòa tan là oxy hiện diện trong nước mà hệ thống thủy sinh yêu cầu để tiếp tục cuộc sống của thực vật và động vật. Tuy nhiên oxy sinh học là loại oxy mà các vi sinh vật hiếu khí cần để oxy hóa các chất hữu cơ của chất thải. Ô nhiễm nguồn nước gây ra bởi hai phương tiện, một là ô nhiễm nguồn nước tự nhiên ( do sự rửa trôi của đá, sự phân hủy của các chất hữu cơ, sự phân hủy của các chất chết, xối xối, xói mòn đất, … ) và một là ô nhiễm nguồn nước do con người gây ra ( do nạn phá rừng, khai thác các ngành công nghiệp gần các vùng nước lớn, phát thải cao các chất thải công nghiệp, nước thải sinh hoạt, hóa chất tổng hợp, chất thải phóng xạ, phân bón, thuốc trừ sâu, thuốc trừ sâu, …).

The most important thing that we use is water. Water to sustain life. Every one of us needs water, to drink, to wash, to cook and many more. Water is an essential thing for every living human, plants and animals. But take a look at our rivers and lakes, could you still see clean rivers? What is happening? Why is this happening? Why do we throw wastes at our rivers? Why do we keep on doing thing that we shouldn't do? Is this what would make us happy? Seeing every river polluted? Now, think every single thing that you've done, does it help or does it make the water pollution worse?
Garbage and wastes thrown on the rivers is not new to us. Throwing of untreated wastes to our rivers is a big no but it's still happening. And the effect? Water pollution. Meycauayan, Marilao and Pasig river are just an example of polluted rivers. This pollution affects every person because diseases are a product of pollution, wherein many people die because of the diseases that they could get from the contamination of water. Water Pollution is one of the biggest problems in our country. By that, our government provided us a decree about the conservation and protection of water resources. We being irresponsible and not discipline enough are the reason behind why our home is being destroyed by us. We as Filipino suggests that by just making a simple act and being disciplined enough, we should be able to lessen water pollution, and this will then turn into a big one if all of us will cooperate. With regards to the industries and/or factories they shouldn't be allowed to dump their chemicals into the water. Do not ever throw your garbage in the rivers. Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. This helps prevent water shortages and reduces the amount of contaminated water that needs treatment.
This is how our state, our rivers are critically dying. But do we have to wait for that time that we don't have clean water? We have to wake up from this nightmare. As early as now we have to do something. This is not possible to be eliminated but this can be lessened. Now! ask yourself, what do you have to do? Would you just wait or would you make a move? But actually this would absolutely start within us. Me, you, and everyone. This is ours. This is our responsibility. We must make a move. Change must happen, NOW.

A project presented to you to spread awareness. Let us spread awareness on water pollution by simply liking, sharing and commenting on this video. It will be a great help! Thank you

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