Viết một đoạn văn về ô nhiễm tầm nhìn bằng tiếng Anh không chép mạng

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Today I will introduce everyone to my family. My family has 4 people: my grandfather, my father, my mother and me. My grandfather is 78 years old. He has silver hair and his figure is rather thin. Because of his advanced age, he rarely exercised vigorously. My grandfather has a hobby of growing flowers. Every day he is very careful to take care of his flowers. My father is a doctor. He is very busy. I rarely see my father. My father treats many patients every day. I am very proud of my father. My mom is a teacher. My mother loves me very much. My mother taught me useful things. People often think that my parents are difficult but the truth is the opposite. I am free to do what I . However, thanks to my mother’s guidance, I knew what was right. I often tell my mother my stories and I am happy that she always listens attentively. My mother will give me good advice. Whenever my dad has free time, we cook together. I the feeling of everyone doing something together. Family is where I feel safe and happy. I grew up in a wonderful environment. I hope everything will be as good as it is now.  


Hôm nay mình sẽ giới thiệu với mọi người về gia đình mình. Gia đình tôi có 4 người: ông tôi, bố tôi, mẹ tôi và tôi. Ông tôi năm nay 78 tuổi. Anh ta có mái tóc bạch kim và dáng người khá gầy. Vì tuổi cao nên ông ít vận động mạnh. Ông tôi có sở thích trồng hoa. Mỗi ngày anh đều rất cẩn thận chăm sóc những bông hoa của mình. Cha tôi là bác sĩ. Anh ấy rất bận rộn. Tôi hiếm khi gặp cha tôi. Cha tôi điều trị cho rất nhiều bệnh nhân mỗi ngày. Tôi rất tự hào về cha tôi. Mẹ tôi là một giáo viên. Mẹ tôi rất yêu tôi. Mẹ tôi đã dạy tôi những điều bổ ích. Mọi người thường cho rằng bố mẹ tôi khó tính nhưng sự thật thì ngược lại. Tôi tự do để làm những gì tôi. Tuy nhiên, nhờ sự hướng dẫn của mẹ, tôi biết điều gì là đúng. Tôi thường kể cho mẹ nghe những câu chuyện của mình và tôi rất vui vì mẹ luôn chăm chú lắng nghe. Mẹ tôi sẽ cho tôi những lời khuyên bổ ích. Bất cứ khi nào bố tôi có thời gian rảnh, chúng tôi cùng nhau nấu ăn. Tôi cảm giác mọi người đang làm điều gì đó cùng nhau. Gia đình là nơi tôi cảm thấy an toàn và hạnh phúc. Tôi lớn lên trong một môi trường tuyệt vời. Tôi hy vọng mọi thứ sẽ tốt như bây giờ.

Today I will introduce everyone to my family. My family has 4 people: my grandfather, my father, my mother and me. My grandfather is 78 years old. He has silver hair and his figure is rather thin. Because of his advanced age, he rarely exercised vigorously. My grandfather has a hobby of growing flowers. Every day he is very careful to take care of his flowers. My father is a doctor. He is very busy. I rarely see my father. My father treats many patients every day. I am very proud of my father. My mom is a teacher. My mother loves me very much. My mother taught me useful things. People often think that my parents are difficult but the truth is the opposite. I am free to do what I . However, thanks to my mother’s guidance, I knew what was right. I often tell my mother my stories and I am happy that she always listens attentively. My mother will give me good advice. Whenever my dad has free time, we cook together. I the feeling of everyone doing something together. Family is where I feel safe and happy. I grew up in a wonderful environment. I hope everything will be as good as it is now. 

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