Viết một đoạn văn tiếng Anh kể về một câu chuyện cổ tích mà em đã từng học hoặc biết 80 đến 100 từ

2 câu trả lời

When I was a child, my grandmother told me a lot of fairy tales, but the most memorable one was the story "Little Red Riding Hood". She said, 'In the past, there was a little girl with a red scarf who was giddy. Once, her grandmother was sick so her mother told her to bring a cake to her grandmother and remember to go in a straight line, not to take a detour otherwise it would be dangerous. The little red riding hood on the road, but because she was too giddy, she forgot her mother's words that she should follow the forest path, she met the wolf. Wolf tricked her into picking flowers and I went to her grandmother's house and ate her grandmother's flesh. After eating her grandmother's flesh, the wolf put on her clothes and lay on the bed waiting for the little red riding hood to come to eat the meat. When she arrived, the wolf swallowed her whole. After a full meal, the wolf fell asleep. At that moment a good hunter passed by and saw the wolf lying on the bed and killed the wolf, saving the red scarf little girl and grandmother. You two are happy and reunited together. ' Great story, I always remember it /

From a young age to a great age, I have read so many stories, I've heard so many interesting things. For me, perhaps the most impressive story is the story about a guy's life full of unhappiness and cold. He searched the path of life with his own blood. that boy had to go through a thousand and thousands of years of suffering, suffering three thousand times from his soul and body. It was that suffering, that misfortune that made him a lonely and unhappy god. killed the gods that made him suffer even the person he loved.

từ nhỏ cho tới lớn ,tôi đã đọc biết bao câu truyện,đã nghe biết bao điều kỳ thú.với tôi có lẽ câu truyện ấn tượng nhất đó chính là câu truyện kể về cuộc sống của 1 chàng trai mang đầy bất hạnh và lạnh lùng đi trên con đường đời bằng chính xương máu của mình. chàng trai đó phải trải qua một nghìn vạn năm nỗi thống khổ ,chịu tổn thương cả tâm hồn lẫn thể xác ba nghìn lần .chính sự đau khổ ấy,nỗi bất hạnh ấy đã khiến chàng trai trở thành vị thần cô độc và bất hạnh nhất thế giới .đã giết những vị thần khiến cậu ta đau khổ thậm chí cả người cậu ta yêu.

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