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  • Noise pollution can also create sizable disturbances to animal habitats. It is often tied to light pollution for how it arises from similar sources, including highways, airports, and loud sporting events or concerts, as well as from construction projects, railroads, and more. For humans, noise pollution is probably slightly more of a concern than light pollution, leading to a decreased standard of life thanks to the ability of noise to prevent sleep, distract from work, and bring about hearing loss. For animals, noise and light pollution combine as factors that have limited possible habitat options.
  • In reality, air pollution occurs when any sort of contaminant is introduced into the atmosphere, thereby disrupting the chemical composition of said atmosphere. The most obvious of these contaminants is carbon dioxide, which is frequently cited as the most pervasive “greenhouse gas” in the Earth’s atmosphere. Theory states that these gases are trapping heat within the Earth’s atmosphere, in turn boosting the temperature of the planet overall. These temperature shifts can then have dire effects on Earth ecosystems, whether due to melting in the polar ice caps or simple seasonal shifts on land. The climate change portion of air pollution is sometimes split off into its own category, dubbed “thermal pollution.”
  • Thermal pollution is the degradation of water quality by any process that changes ambient water temperature. A common cause of thermal pollution is the use of water as a coolant by power plants and industrial manufacturers. Other causes of thermal pollution include soil erosion. This will elevate water and expose it to sunlight. When water used as a coolant is returned to the natural environment at a higher temperature, the sudden change in temperature decreases oxygen supply and affects ecosystem composition. Fish and other organisms adapted to particular temperature range can be killed by an abrupt change in water temperature 
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