Viết giúp mình 3 đoạn văn thi nói, mỗi đoạn từ 5-7 dòng và đúng ngữ pháp, mình cảm ơn trước nhé: 1/ Your body and you: - What do you do everyday to stay healthy and to keep fit? - Do you find it hard to go on diet and exercise? How to keep it practising? 2/ Volunteer work: - Have you ever done volunteer work? When? Where? - Which kinds of volunteer work do you know? - Which kinds of volunteer work do you want to take part in? Why? 3/ Inventions: - How do you think modern inventions have changed our lives? - Do you know any invention(s) by Vietnamese? Who and what? *Mỗi chủ đề có câu hỏi đề soạn dễ hơn. Mọi người giúp mình với.

2 câu trả lời

I am a volunteer,the first activity i will do it donate money for poor children because ì i donate for poor children,they can go to school and they can study like another chidren.Then i will be volunteẻ teacher in poor village because if that village is poor,kid can not go to school so i will be teach them for free not for money.The last one  is i will do the following to help poor children, I will open a charity and ask everyone to donate together, or I will work with children's organizations that can help poor children. I could go to school or be adopted by rich parents, or I would be a volunteer teacher and donate old stuff to the poor kids.That is my opinion.That is my activty what i do when i doing volunteer,and i want to do more than now.

Operational value and since the problem is created by the word "comprehensive", this is still a long-standing problem.Exercise is the practice of movements that aim to develop and maintain overall physical health and wellness. This is achieved by practicing exercise movements. Regular exercise is a very important ingredient to prevent disease, prevent "rich diseases" such as cancer, heart disease, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and back pain that what i do to stay healthy

Nowadays,i see that a lots of modern inventions changed our lives.It will help us do our work faster,and help us find the information easier.We can talk with frièn or listen to music more comfortable.I know that one person who make the laptop is The gioi Di dong.


Health very important for our life so we should do more exercise, eat more fruit or vegetables, sleep more. We should not eat more junk food because we are putting on weight. We should not watch TV too much because it will make our eyes hurt or have a headache. We should eat more fresh fish it will be healthier. It's important to have a healthy lifestyle.

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