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1 câu trả lời

The Frog Fables sit at the bottom of the well, giving readers lots of thoughts about the frog character and help us learn useful lessons. The frog in the story thinks the sky is just as small as a swing because he lived on the bottom of the well for a long time, never before had come out of the mouth. The animals that live with the bottom of the well like clones, crabs, and snails are all small. It just needs to make a whimpers sound to scare them. Because the frog has never met anyone stronger than him, he thought he was a lord. It is a wrong thought, but this is understandable: frogs have never stepped out of that well, so he does not know how much is out there in the world! But not only ignorant, subjective and arrogant, a frog is also a timeless man. The first time he left his home well, he should have humbly learned about the new world. But not. He thought this new place was just like its shallow well, so he went back and forth in a loud, uneasy manner, looking at the sky and not paying attention to the surroundings. It is understandable that the frogs will be trampled by trampling. That is the inevitable consequence of the subjective and arrogant habit as in the bottom of the well. Price frog frog hard to pay attention around then did not occur disaster. But unfortunately, he did not know his body knew that if he did not get trampled, he would also encounter another disaster. The story of the stupid frog has brought readers many useful lessons in life. A small, limited environment without social interaction will limit our understanding of the world around us. When living long in a closed environment, one's understanding will become shallow, narrow, from which subjective arrogance, arrogance can arise. Therefore, we must know how to expand the relationships of friends and teachers; know "go a day" to "learn a sieve". Besides, the arrogance and subjectivity is very easy to make us pay dearly, sometimes losing our lives like the frog. Therefore, no matter what the living environment, you should not narrow your mind, you must pay attention to learn to expand your understanding. And when changing habitats or familiar occupational fields, be cautious and humble to learn to adapt; avoid subjective, arrogant, shallow and narrow thinking.

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