viết đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh về câu 1 chuyện ngụ ngôn ,dân gian, truyền thuyết hóa truyện thần tiên ở thì quá khứ đơn( tự nghĩ tự làm nha )

2 câu trả lời

Once upon a time, there was a little girl living with her mother near to the forest. She loved to wear a red hood so they called her a little red riding hood. One day, her mother told her to bring some cookies for her sick grandmother who lived far from her house. To reach to her grandma's house, the little red riding hood had to pass through the forest. Worried about the little daughter, her mother kept telling her not to stop anywhere to play if she didn't want to be caught by the wolf. The little red riding hood agreed with her mother and started her journey. Unfortunately, she saw a beautiful butterfly and started chasing it. Then she met the wolf. The wolf asked her how to get to her grandma's house and left her to get it first. He ate the poor grandma and then the little girl, then slept in her bed until the hunter came. The hunter killed the wolf and opened its belly to save two poor women.  

Once upon atime there was a young girl called Cinderella.Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died.Her father married an evil widow with 2 daughters.Cinderella's stepmother and 2 stepsisters mistreated her.She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters wore fancy clothes and had fun.A good witch helped Cinderella.She turned Cinderella's old dress into a beautiful gown.Cinderella went to a party and a handsome prince politely invited her to dance with him.He fell in love with her and wanted to find out who she was.Cinderella left the party in hurry and didn't tell the prince her name.But she left a glass slipper,and the prince used that to find he.They got married and lived happily ever after.

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