viết đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh về câu 1 chuyện ngụ ngôn ,dân gian, truyền thuyết hóa truyện thần tiên ở thì quá khứ đơn( tự nghĩ tự làm nha )

1 câu trả lời

Once upon a time, a wolf was both cruel and cunning. One day he heard that a sick little boy in the next village came up with a plan to eat him.
He dressed up as a monk: Head wearing a pink holy hat, white white cloak, gold holy shoes, a rosary on the neck, a prayer book on the left armpit, a right hand against a stick. He came to the next village.
Upon entering the village, the wolf sang loudly the sutta, everyone rushed out to surround the priest. The parents of the sick child were very happy, and the two of them immediately invited the monk to go to dissect the chickens and goats and the goat, welcoming the guests, they begged the priest to cure their children.
When the wine was full, the wolf pretended to walk and prayed the rosary, turned to the book to read. After reading it for a while, he came to the sick boy, looking from head to toe, and said, “My illness is very serious! Apart from me - the best monk in this area can't be helped! Master bless you to meet me. (The owner is the only teacher whom Ixlam worship). Now go and kill two cows as sacrifices so I pray to Master Zhen to rescue you!
When the two cows were displayed on the table, it was already dark. Wolf told the parents of the sick child, "Don't worry about the bedroom, I will take care of you tonight."
Early the next morning, when I got up, the sick child's parents ran to my room. Knocking on them froze: the priest disappeared, the two cows also disappeared. On the boy he was only streak of blood and a few bones.
The parents of the sick child know that they have been deceived and cried deeply. The cry moved the neighbors. Everyone came to comfort them and thought about how to avenge the baby. They decided to go and help Rabbit.
Rabbits are invited. After hearing the sick child's parents tell the story of the story of the Rabbit, "It is true that you have been tricked, it is not a monk but a wicked wolf. But don't worry, guys, just wait here and I'll drag her back here for me. ”
The rabbits also put on a monk's makeup: His head wore a pink holy cap, a white holy coat, yellow shoes, a rosary, a prayer book on his left armpit, a cane with his hand, and a rooster. grown up.
Arriving at the gate of the forest wolf house, the rabbit told the chicken to hide in the bush while he recited aloud the prayer.
Wolf heard the chanting and ran to see him.
A moment later a hearty platter was laid out. Forest wolf flatteringly: "It is very blessed to be taught by a teacher, I am not prepared to ask for your understanding."
The rabbit put the food in his mouth, shook his head and said, "A little pale, yes".
"Let me get more salt." Wolf said sincerely and went into the kitchen.
Rabbit followed to the kitchen. At the beginning of peeking at the salt load, grab the salt Rabbit jumped to push the wolf into the load, grab the mouth, reload it and shout: "Here the rooster comes here!" reload.
"Let me go or I'll eat you!" The wolf tried to kick and scare him.
The rabbits and the rooster seemed to not hear, and the wolf ran back to the village.
Everyone came, some punched, some kicked, some flicked, others banged, everyone had to fight a wolf. Soon, the ghost's life has been taken!

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