Viết bài văn bằng tiếng anh (Về 1 câu truyện cổ tích) Đây nhá có ghi rõ đề :v

2 câu trả lời

I am the character of the Angel in the Star Tree story - a good story in the treasure of our country fairy tales. Here, I would like to tell that story to you all. In the old days, there were two siblings whose parents both died early. When he married his brother, he divided his fortune. So he was the oldest brother, he took all the property his parents had left him, giving his younger brother a small garden and a small star fruit tree at the end of the garden. He and his wife lived happily on the available inheritance and the younger brother had to plow and hire hoes to hire. It was very hard for my younger brother to earn a living bowl of rice to survive. When the season comes, the star fruit tree becomes so full of flowers, the younger one lives on the star fruit tree. I used to love fruit. One day, flying over my brother's house, seeing ripe ripe star fruit, I rushed down the cup from fruit to fruit. Seeing this, the younger brother came to me sadly:- Birds! My fortune is only star fruit tree. Birds eat everything, what do I get to live? " I quickly said: - Eat a fruit, pay a lump of gold, sew a three-gang bag, take it away. Just as promised, the next morning I flew to take my younger brother to the island to get gold. Taking a full cast iron bag, the younger brother asked me to drive him home. Since then, the younger brother's life became prosperous and wealthy. When the fruit-growing season came to fruition, I went to eat again like last time, and I told my brother and wife as I told my brother. Both husband and wife excitedly sew a bag to twelve gang. Then I also took them to the island of gold as promised. When he arrived, he was dazzled by his eyes and hid him with jewels of gold and silver. Not satisfied with greed, he crammed all the places where he could stuff it, then ì ìi loosened up and down, only after he crawled on my back. Because it was heavy, I sent wings several times to lift myself up from the ground. When flying across the wide sea, partly because of the heavy load, partly due to a sudden wind rushing, I could not keep my balance, so I tilted his wings and his pocket and fell into the deep sea. So the end of life is a greedy, not gratitude. The story of star fruit is like that.

The Fox and the Grapes

      A hungry fox was wandering around in search of food. "I'm so hungry. I can't find anything to eat." He was so hungry, everything around him was blurry. The fox was passing a vineyard, but the fox didn't know it was a vineyard. "Oh, I'm so hungry, I can't even see well now. But what's that roundish thing that looks like a grape? It would be nice if it was a real grape." Fox hung his head and walked on. "Huh? What's that smell?" The fox suddenly became aware of the smell of grapes. "Wow! It's a grapevine. There are so many grapes. My mouth is watering." Fox looked at the grapevine and drooled. "Shall I try one?" The fox jumped up toward the grapes. But the grapes were too high and the fox couldn't reach them. The fox jumped up again. He was about to touch them, but he couldn't pick them. The fox continued to jump, but he kept missing. "Oh, I'm so tired. Why are they so high? They're too high. I can't reach them." The fox looked at the grapes for a long time and thought about how he could get them. He suddenly got up and said to himself. "Those grapes are probably too sour. I don't like grapes anyway. I don't want to eat sour grapes. I wasted my time for nothing." The fox couldn't pick the grapes, so he made excuses and gave up. The fox's stomach continued to growl and he continued to think about the grapes he couldn't reach.

                         Wish you learn English well ( chúc bạn học tốt)

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