Viết 5 câu miêu tả những thứ em thích ở miền quê bằng tiếng Anh

2 câu trả lời

In this recent years, due to desire of peace and quietness, many people have settled down in countryside. As living in rural areas, they are able to experience stable lives instead of having hectic lives. In addition, life in the coutryside is extremely affordable.The one person can easily buy a house with a great deal while housing market in cities is rarely cheap and most consumers are upper than the lower-class. What is more, as the rarity of cars, motorcycles in the rural areas, the less pollution that it causes to our environment. For that reason, the lives of people in the rural areas usually last longer than people in the cities. In conclusion, with all these advantages that presented above, I strongly prefer the life in the countryside.

- The people in the countryside is very friendly.

- The air in the countryside is very clean.

- The countryside is very quiet and peaceful.

- The food in the countryside is very fresh.

- The countryside has many beautiful views.

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