viết 1 đoạn văn tiếng anh về air pollution (45-55 từ)-----------60 điểm---------------

2 câu trả lời

           Nature and enviroment help us to have such good life. We breath air or we call oxigen. But the air now is polluted. There are many reason that cause air pollution but the main reason is by transportation and industrial production activities. Beside human effect, there are also some natural effect. Such as: volcanic eruptions will produce many toxic gases, the wind will carry the dirt that people emit to many places. Because of that, we need some solution. We need to plant more tree, musn't littering, ...

Nowadays , the more modern the world is , the more polluted the air is - one of the most serious global issues . The main reason is due to human activities from means of transport, industrial production and weather factors. For example , the motorbikes that we use produce cacbon dioxide - which causes air pollution . The effects of air pollution are very serious for the governments to deal with . The air pollution damages the human's health . It can cause the death to people and reduce life expectancy of people . Moreover , it makes the enviroment not be greener . The more polluted the air is , the plants can't absorb carbon dioxide more . So, we should protect the enviroment from air pollution by growing more trees , propagate , make slogans to make aware of people.

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