viết 1 đoạn văn tiếng anh nói về ô nhiễm môi trường có sử dụng ; first, second,..finally

2 câu trả lời

Pollution is the biggest problem in the world now. There are many types of contamination including air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, land pollution,… There are many factors leading to pollutions. First of all, CO2 is the main source of thread in the world. This emission from factories, burning fossil fuels, deforestations,… make the earth warmer. As a results, the sea level is rising and many other severe disasters happen, air is also polluted by waste and dirt, which affect directly on the human’s life. Also, waste from factories, pollutants released during the manufacturing process and toxic chemicals when farming pollute the source of water and land. Those toxic components increase diseases like cancer and poisons. Besides, sound from building and from vehicles on the streets create noise pollution, which annoy people and make them stressed. So what we can do to protect our planet? First, grow more trees and stop deforestations. Forests play vital roles on earth so try to protect them as well as nature. Second, using alternative powers like solar energy, wind or tide to reduce the amount of fossil fuels. To students, making use of public transports or bicycle is not only environment friendly but also good for health. Finally, government have to pass laws and fine severely the companies that release too much waste without didn’t any process. After that, we will definitely gain achievements.

We need to protect the environment by such as: first throwing garbage in the right place, secondly planting lots of trees,...consequences of pollution are : making the earth gradually lack oxygen , if we throw garbage , do not plant trees , the earth will wither , will become a dead earth .

Tạm Dịch : Chúng ta cần bảo vệ môi trường bằng cách như :  thứ nhất vứt rác đúng nơi quy định ,  thứ hai trồng thật nhiều cây xanh,...hậu quả của ô nhiễm là : làm trái đất dần dần thiếu oxy đi , nếu chúng ta vứt rác , không trồng cây xanh thì trái đất sẽ bị khô héo , Sẽ trở thành Trái đất chết . 

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