viết 1 đoạn văn ngắn : shoudd yuong people like you shake the house work ? what do you do to help with the house chores in your family? what benifits can you get from sharing hosework?

2 câu trả lời

   Have you ever asked the question: '' should young people like you do and share housework with everyone in the family? ''. I know, this is currently one of the most common issues posing and attracting a lot of attention from young people or their families. I think at any age, we should take turns helping the housework and should not depend too much on the breadwinner in the family. When we share these jobs together, joy in family and your life will become closer, closer and happier. According to each age, you should choose the suitable household jobs such as doing chores, cleaning the house, cleaning glasses, ... And of course, your jobs will never be. It is in vain if you have done your best.

1. Yes, we should. Because it helps us become more sociable and responsible. And we also learn a lot of good skills from it.

2. Unlike what most people think, doing house chores is hard. Vacuuming the floor, washing the dishes, cooking meals, folding clothes, cleaning the toilet,… Those tasks seem easy if done separately but if you do them every day from the moment you get home, it can be very demanding. You need help from other family members to get the tasks done without burning yourself out.

Splitting housework is also a way to maintain peace and harmony within your family. In a household where the wife has to labour away with house chores while the husband stretches his legs on the sofa, arguments are bound to happen often. On the other hand, in families where the husband is ready to lend a helping hand, there are fewer conflicts and thus the family’s happiness can be maintained.

If you have kids, involve them in the house chores. By participating in the running of the house, they learn to take care of themselves and not be too dependent on others for support.

3. Nowadays when society develops day by day, people have no time to do chores, especially women. Not only do they have a full-time job, but they also take care of children and do the housework. In my opinion, family members should share housework. One reason is that sharing housework can connect family members. Adult members do labours like laundry and cooking, children just do simple chores like watering the garden or making their bed. Sharing housework makes us feel less tired and equal. Another reason is that doing housework brings knowledge organization of things, especially children. They will know how to keep their belongings tidy and everything kept clean as well. Also, we will feel responsible for our family. In conclusion, we should share housework to improve the connection as well as understanding between members in the family.

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