Viết 1 đoạn văn ngắn bằng tiếng anh về hệ thống giáo dục ở Việt nam

1 câu trả lời

Vietnam's education under the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has not made a clear and official statement about its educational philosophy. Some people believe that Vietnam needs to have an educational philosophy and raises the question is whether "education [Vietnam] does not have a philosophy suitable for the needs of innovation and integration."

The common goal of Vietnam's higher education institutions is to strictly implement Resolution 142 of the Vietnamese Politburo. This resolution specifies the following educational goals: "... To build a strong contingent of strong scientific, technical and economic management personnel, increasingly complete in terms of qualifications and trades, at the same time having good political quality and absolute loyalty. The Party with the Party, with the working class, with the people, closely connected with the workers and the workers, at the same time have good scientific and technical qualifications, mastered the laws of nature and the law of society. organizational capacity and mass mobilization, capable of solving scientific, technical and economic management issues set by our country and capable of keeping up with the above advanced scientific and technical qualifications in the world.

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