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Each invention usually comes along with its own inventor; however, the Internet - one of the greatest discoveries of mankind in the 20th century has no single inventor. It first started in the United States more than 50 years ago, and it kept evolved through time. For decades, scientists had been using it to communicate and share data with others. Many scientists and researchers had developed the best way of sending information from one computer to another. The very first computer was located in a laboratory at University of California, and it was about the size of a small house. By the end of 1969, there were just four computers that were connected to the Government’s Computer Network, but the network grew steadily during the 1970s. By the end of the 1970s, a computer scientist named Vinton Cerf had developed a way for all of the computers on all of the world’s mini-networks to communicate with one another. The Internet had a significant changing in 1991. That year, a computer programmer named Tim Berners-Lee introduced the World Wide Web: a “web” of information that anyone on the Internet could retrieve. Since then, the Internet has changed in many ways. Most recently, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram etc have become a popular way for people of all ages to stay connected. Today, we use the Internet for almost everything, and it would be impossible for many people to imagine life without it.

It is totally right to say that smartphone is one of the biggest inventions in the 20th century, because no other electric device at that period had such important impacts on people’s daily life. Most people nowadays admit that they cannot imagine the life without smartphones. It is normal for us to not watch the TV in a day, not play video games in a week, or not turn on the DVD player in a month, but I am sure that most of us cannot let go our smart phones in an hour. The first device that can at least be qualifies as a smart phone was just a complicated brick phone. It was called The Simon phone, and people had to by it with the price up to 4000 US dollars. It did not last long on the market due to the unreasonable price as well as poor quality, but it could be considered as a pioneer in the empire of smartphones. In 1996, Nokia introduced the Nokia 9000, and it was considered as one of the first smartphones. Although it did bring a whole new experience for users, it still had some disadvantages that could not satisfied the world. However, the whole concept about smart phones had changed completely with the first IPhone. Apple’s device was innovative in many ways, both in technology and design. On the other hand, Google’s Android had a much slower start. However; in the year of 2012, Android officially ruled the smartphone market all over the world. To sum up, smart phones had been invading our world in the way that we do not realize, and our lives would become much harder if we do not have this useful assistant.

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