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Reading books is favourite activity of many people in their free time. When we are reading, we live in another world. A new life opens, there will be no more complication, difficulty or grief that real life brings about. We live naturally like kids with different feelings such as happy, upset, angry,... However, it does not make us live in dreams. Through the book, we find out our ideal living, become more brave to the difficulty and stronger to the failure in our lives. During the process reading book, we can collect ourselves a lot of useful knowledge. There are many kinds of book, which are suitable for people all of age and satisfy the knowledge need. If you are kind of people who love to explore the world, let read science books, they will explain all secret of universe. If you like traveling, handbooks will take you to the beautiful land that you haven’t been and give you valuable experiences. Anyway, if you just want to entertain after a hard-working day, comic is a interesting choice. It so wonderful, right? To me, reading books is a meaningful activity and everyone should have this habit.

In this stressful world, you hardly find time to have a hobby. After a stressful and strenuous day at study, most of you feel like having a relax after getting back to home either by watching your favorite show on the TV or browsing the web or engaged with chats on smartphones. In fact, having a hobby is not just a pass time activity but it has many benefits.

Hobby is a stress relievers. It is very beneficial to have a hobby and daily spend some time in developing it so that you can keep yourself engaged for some time and feel the freshness of body and mind. Hobby like book-reading, coins collection etc, help in gaining knowledge. If you develop a hobby of your interest it helps you in keeping your mind and body engaged at least for some period of time in a day and thus it helps in giving you a good company by making you to forget yourself for sometime. When you have a hobby of your interest, you get naturally relieved from the daily routine of stressful life and it makes a good companion for you where you can let out all your emotions and thus get relief. For these reasons, I strongly believe that everyone should have their own hobby.