Viết 1 đoạn So sánh nền giáo dục của VN với Anh

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Each country's education system is infuenced by its history and culture.Since Vietnam and Britain have very few similarities in those two aspects,their education systems have little in common. There are big differences in five categories: stages, the values basis, teaching style, learning style, andthe grading system.

The first difference between the British and Vietnamese education systemlies in the stages of education. In Britain, the stages are numbered from 0 – 5 with stage 0 and stage 1 equivalent to early years, stage 2 to primary, stage 3 to secondary, stage 4 to further education and stage & to higher education. The system starts with stage 0, for children from 3 - 5 years old. It is followed by stage 1, for children within the age range of 5 – 7. Next comes stage 3, which is for children from age 11 to 14. Stage 4, for children from 14 - 16 years old, comes afterwards. The last stage, stage 5, is for students from 16 to 19 years of age.

In Vietnam, there are fve stages of education: preschool, primary, junior high (also known as intermediate), high (also called secondary) and higher education. The four stages between preschool and high school are dividedinto twelve academic years. Preschool education is for children age 0 - 6. Primary education consists of five academic years, 1 to 5. It is for children between 6 and 11 years old. There are four years of junior high education, 6 to 9, for children from 11 to 15 years of age. High education has threeacademic years, 10 to 12, for students between 15 to 18 years old. Highereducation is for people who have completed the twelve academic years,usually 18 and above of age.

The second difference is the values which each education system based on. Britain, as a part of western culture, values creativity, critical thin3ing andactivity in learning and teaching. Vietnam, in contrast, requires learners tohave a same set of thoughts, to learn through memorization and to have apassive learning style. These values infuence the teaching and learningstyle, which are the next two differences.

The third difference can be seen in the teaching style. In Britain, studentsand teachers are seen as equals. Students are encouraged to ask questions and question the knowledge of the teachers. Furthermore, teachers do not require students to hold the same opinion as them. The text books also vary usually, that matters depends on the teachers. Students are free to use the information they find elsewhere, as long as the source is valid and they have references to them. On the contrary, in Vietnam, the relationship is rather hierarchical. Teachers are seen as senior to students. Thus, their opinion and knowledge are not open to neither discussion nor questioning. In addition,there is only one set of offcial text books and their words are to be taken as standard.

The fourth difference is in the learning style. British students are expected to be independent. Their curriculum requires a lot of selfstudy. Most of the times, they have to work out the answers to questions on their own. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, it is enough for students just to listen to their teachers. Selfstudy is not popular; instead, going to extra classes after school is the norm. All answers are available in the text books or detailed outlines distributed by the schools so students hardly have to refer to anyother sources.

The final difference lies in the grading system. In Britain, the grading schemeis varied, depending on the places and the qualifications. Generally, the percentage and word scale is used. Students are marked on a scale from 0 – 100%. The figures are then transferred to their equivalence in letters in the alphabet; e.g. in the Advanced Cevel grading scheme, 80% equals an A*. Tests in Britain are skilled-inclined; their answers are quite fexible. If a studentget a score beyond 70%, that is considered very good. In Vietnam, generally,the scale from 0 to 10 is used to grade students, despite minor changes inthe grading scheme in the primary education level. Depending on the tests,scores for each part of the answers or for each multiple choice answer canbe divided into single units of down to 0.125. Usually, tests in Vietnam rely heavily on memorization and their answers are fixed most of the times. Anorder to be considered a good student, scores beyond 7 are expected.

In conclusion, the education systems in Britain and in Vietnam are verydifferent From each other in terms of division of stages, the values which thesystems are based on, the teaching and learning style and how students aregraded.

According to GS. Dennis Lynn Shirly, corresponding to the three sides of the triangle Bermuda will be 3 important factors that education should be avoided.First, the "present" -a short-term thinking in the teacher must convey information to students, but only one teacher in class and many games you will not be paying attention, the teacher must move download a body of knowledge is very tired, and so short-term thinking appears to transfer knowledge to the student account.Second, is the "privacy" -teachers themselves take care classes.Third, the "conservative" -the teacher that has traditionally been taught like that now must teach their students how. With conservative thinking this will hinder encourage curiosity and creativity of students."In our society there are three ways of thinking will bring negative consequences in the education system. This is the Bermuda triangle should be avoided, it may lead to the education system is not sustainable. Look at this triangle shows the importance of teachers and how hard, how if we do not change will lead to other consequences such as we dressed head to the ground, but hid this as well as the challenges of the world ", GS. Dennis said.From this concept, Dennis given 4 paths to change. And, one of the four paths that teachers must complete freedom, independence and discretion can see how to teach, parents fully empower teachers.Second, the standards and accountability are very important, we are assured access to advanced education is assured with quality standards of teachers.

Be educated decision based on the data, but also data besides many other factors involved significant (humanities, physical education, music, art ...), now we are only interested in Mathematics , Physics and Chemistry.GS. Dennis said that the role of the teacher is to stimulate curiosity about the world, the creativity of students. The professor himself has learned from his mentor and creative curiosity as to his teacher about Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.According to the concept of GS. Dennis, the education of the successful people in society, known to enjoy life to the fullest with the skills to be learned in school.Therefore, Vietnam will learn what the content? GS. Shirly Dennis Lynn suggests, we must determine pillars objectives, principles, elements that Catalysts. Objective how to create the dreams and desires of students.GS. Dr. Dennis Lynn Shirly talk withthe teacher education Vietnam.His advice for teachers Vietnam is the professionalism shown in the always learning and sharing with colleagues about new ways of teaching, continuous innovation and improve their working methods, teaching members learn from each other, school this school to other schools, when they worked together to create collective, teamwork and creating a foundation for future students."Vocational teacher is a hard job, we can not succeed if we do not love children, students with future generations. To plant trees for the future and to the future, it will live forever and future generations will pass on future later "GS. Dennis heart says.

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Câu 1: Nội dung nào của Hiệp định Giơnevơ ghi nhận tư cách của Việt Nam như là thành viên của Liên hợp quốc?

A. Không can thiệp vào công việc nội bộ của Việt Nam.

B. Thực hiện ngừng bắn, lập lại hòa bình ở Việt Nam.

C. Thực hiện tập kết, chuyển quân, chuyển giao khu vực.

D. Thành lập khu phi quân sự hai bên giới tuyến của vĩ tuyến 17.

Câu 2: Điểm chung trong kế hoạch Rơve (1949) và kế hoạch Nava (1953) là?

A. nhanh chóng kết thúc chiến tranh.

B. bảo vệ chính quyền Bảo Đại do Pháp lập ra.

C. muốn xoay chuyển cục diện chiến tranh.

D. phô trương tiềm lực và sức mạnh của Pháp.

Câu 3: Nguyên nhân khách quan tạo nên thắng lợi của cuộc kháng chiến chống Pháp (1945 – 1954) là

A. Nhật đầu hàng đồng minh.

B. Đồng minh vào Đông Dương.

C. Liên Xô tấn công Pháp.

D. Đoàn kết chiến đấu của ba nước Đông Dương.

Câu 4: Lí do cơ bản dẫn đến tình trạng chia cắt đất nước Việt Nam sau Hiệp định Giơ-ne-vơ năm 1954 là

A. hai miền có sự khác biệt về kinh tế, xã hội.

B. Pháp, Mĩ không chịu thi hành Hiệp định Giơ-ne-vơ.

C. mâu thuẫn về quyền lợi của các cường quốc trên lãnh thổ Việt Nam.

D. Pháp không thực hiện hiệp thương tổng tuyển cử thống nhất đất nước.

Câu 5: Sau Hiệp định Giơnevơ, đất nước ta lại bị chia cắt là do

A. âm mưu phá hoại Hiệp định của Pháp.

B. Mĩ biến miền Nam thành thuộc địa kiểu mới.

C. những quy định của Hiệp định Giơ ne vơ.

D. sự can thiệp của quốc tế.

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