Viết 1 bài viết bằng tiếng anh bạn sẽ làm gì khi ở vùng nông thôn( bài văn tự làm đừng chép trên mạng nha)

2 câu trả lời

My family lives in the city center. However, I sometimes enjoy going to my grandma's house in the countryside to visit her.

It is very lovely to stay for a few days. I get up early as everyone else does, and do my daily morning routine. Then I follow my grandma to feed the poultry and cattle. I especially love watching the geese and the buffaloes eating. She also shows me how to collect eggs in the henhouse. Later in the day, I enjoy going to the garden and help her with the gardening. It's very fun to be surrounded by nature. I love the countryside as much as the city I live in.

When i stay in the country, i will enjoy the fresh air in the morning. Then i will go along the river bank to see the peaceful scenery to relax. After that, i will go fishing or swim with my friends. After play, i will pick some fruits to eat for lunch. And then i will invite some friends to fly kites with me because it helps me fell happy. Finally, i will come back home to rest after a wonderful day.