VI. Combine the sentences in each pair into a new sentence that shows a cause/ effect relationship. Use the words in brackets. 1. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned. Factories produce waste and pour it into rivers and lakes. (because).................... 2. The environment is polluted. Birds leave their habitats and plants die. (makes).................... 3. Plastic bags are a major source of waste. We should not throw plastic bags everywhere. (so).................... 4. The food is contaminated. People's health is poor. (results in).................... 5. Factories release fumes. The air people breathe gets polluted. (due to).................... XI Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. The soil is poisoned because farmers use too many pesticides and herbicides. If.................... 2.I can't help you uniess you tell me what's wrong. If.................... 3. Many people have stomachache due to the contaminated food. If.................... 4. Stop swimming in that lake, or you will have skin rashes. if.................... 5. John lives in the area affected by air pollution, so he has breathing problem. If....................

2 câu trả lời


1. Because factories produce waste and pour it into rivers and lakes, many rivers and lakes are poisoned

2. The polluted enviroment makes birds leave their habitats and plants die

3. Plastic bags are a major source of waste, so we shouldn't throw plastic bags everywhere

4. The contamination of the food results in people's poor health

5. Due to  the release of fumes from factories, the air people breathe gets polluted


1. If farmers didn't use too many pesticides and herbicides, the soul wouldn't be poisoned

2. If you told me what's wrong, i could help you

3. If the food weren't contaminated, many people wouldn't have stomachche

4. If you don't stop swimming in that lake, you will have skin rashes

5. If John didn't live in the area affected by air pollution, he wouldn't have breathing problem

Bạn tham khảo nhé!  


1. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned because factories produce waste and pour it into rivers and lakes.

2. The environment is polluted, which makes birds leave their habitats and plants die.

3. Plastic bags are a major source of waste, so we should not throw plastic bags everywhere.

4. The food is contaminated, which results in people's health.

5. Due to fumes released from factories, the air people breathe gets polluted.


1. If farmers didn't use too many pesticides and herbicides, the soil wouldn't be poisoned.

2. If you tell me what's wrong, I can help you.

3. If food weren't contaminated, many people wouldn't have stomachache.

4. If you don't stop swimming in that lake, you will have skin rashes.

5. If John didn't live in the area affected by air pollution, he wouldn't have breathing problem.

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