V/ Rewrite the sentences, using the words given.( Viết lại câu ) 1. People throw rubbish in the street. The street doesn’t look attractive. => If people ......................................................... ......................................................... 2. Mr. Smith will collect the tickets. => The tickets .............................................................................................................. 3. His room is untidy, so his mother is unhappy. => His mother ...................................................................................... 4. People get more diseases. The water is contaminated. => People will .................................................................................. 5. Eating too much sugar can result in health problems. (lead) ……………………………………………………………. 6,She walked to the meeting. She was late. If ............................................................... 7,Unless you promise to return back, I won't lend you. If .................................................. 8,We put off our trip because the weather was terrible. If .................................................................. 9,If you do not like this one, I'll bring you another. Unless ......................................................... 10,He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car. If .........................................................

1 câu trả lời


1. If people didn't throw rubbish in the street, the street/it would look attractive.

-> câu đk loại 2 If S V2/ed, S would V

2. The tickets will be collected by Mr. Smith.

-> bị động will be V3/ed

3. His mother is unhappy because his room is untidy.

-> because S V : bởi vì

4. People will get more diseases if the water is contaminated.

-> câu đk loại 1 If S Vs/es, S will V

5. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.

-> lead to : dẫn đến

6. If she hadn't walked to the meeting, she wouldn't have been late.

-> câu đk loại 3 : If S had (not) V3/ed, S would (not) have V3/ed

7. If you don't promise to return back, I won't lend you.

-> câu đk loại 1 : If S Vs/es, S will (not) V

8. If the weather hadn't been terrible, we wouldn't have put off our trip.

-> câu đk loại 3 : If S had (not) V3/ed, S would (not) have V3/ed

9. Unless you like this one, I'll bring you another.

-> unless ~ if not

10. If he pays me tonight, I will have enough money to buy a car.

-> câu đk loại 1 If S Vs/es, S will V

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