V. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets in each of the following sentences. 36. Many seabirds were _____________ because of the oil spill. (die) 37. Trees can’t grow here because the soil is too _____________. (pollute) 38. Light pollution makes us _____________ to see the stars in the sky. (able) 39. What’s a _____________? It’s a substance that contaminates something. (pollute) 40. Waste from households will gradually _____________ the lake. (contamination) 41. That fierce storm left behind badly _____________ buildings. (damage) VI. Read the passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space Hi David, How are you? I’m happy to share with you some good news about my village. There have been some changes (42)________ your visit last year. Last week I came back to my village and was really surprised. You know what? The lake is not (43)________ anymore. The factory has installed a new filtration system to treat the (44)________ waste. I saw lots of small fish in the lake and wild ducks swimming in the water. Besides, they have planted trees around the factory to (45)________ air pollution. Since some villagers are in the habit of littering, people have placed dustbins in various places. This has (46)________ in a much cleaner environment. My grandparents say that at weekends the villagers also go around the village together to (47)________ rubbish. What about your neighbourhood? Has anything been done to make it cleaner? Tell me all about it in your next email. Bye for now, Yen 42. A. since B. after C. for D. before 43. A. polluting B. pollutant C. pollute D. polluted 44. A. physics B. chemistry C. physical D. chemical 45. A. fall B. increase C. rise D. reduce 46. A. made B. resulted C. led D. caused 47. A. collect B. take C. get D. pick

2 câu trả lời



36. dead

37. polluted

38. unable

39. pollutant

40. contaminate

41. damaged 


42. since

43. polluted

44. chemical

45. reduce

46. resulted 

47. collect

V. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets in each of the following sentences.



38.not able




VI. Read the passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space







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