Use the prompts below to build up a narrative about a hotel fire. Last year /I / spend / summer holidays / a seaside town. / The hotel / be modern / comfortable. / I / have / wonderful holiday / until / fire. It / be / Saturday evening / and / everybody / be / the discotheque / ground floor. / It / be / crowded / with people. / They / dance /and / sing happily. / Suddenly / we / smell / smoke. / Then / black smoke / begin / fill / room. / Everybody / start / scream / in panic. / People / run toward / fire exits. / One door / be / block. / Many people / begin / cough / choke. Then / just as we / think / we / have / only / minutes / live, / fire brigade / arrive. / Firemen / fight / their way / into / room / and soon / everyone / be / safely out of the building. / Luckily / nobody / be / seriously hurt. / It / be / most frightening experience / my life.

2 câu trả lời

Last year. I spent my summer holidays in a seaside town. The hotel was modern and comfortable. I had a wonderful holiday until the fire.

It was Saturday evening and everybody was in the discotheque on the ground floor, It was crowded with people. They were dancing and singing happily. Suddenly, we felt smoke. The black smoke began to fill up the room. Everybody began to scream in panic. People ran towards the fire exits. One door was blocked. Many people began to cough and choke.

Then, just as we all Ihoughl we had only minutes to live, the fire brigade arrived. Firemen fought their Way into the room, and soon, everyone was safely out of the building. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt. It was the most frightening experience of my life.

- Thì QKD: Last year (kể lại một kì nghỉ hè từ năm ngoái nên dùng thì QKD)

- Diễn tả một sự việc đã xảy ra trong QK và cũng đã kết thúc ở trong QK, ko liên quan đến HT

- Dịch:

Năm ngoái. Tôi đã trải qua kỳ nghỉ hè của mình ở một thị trấn ven biển. Khách sạn hiện đại và thoải mái. Tôi đã có một kỳ nghỉ tuyệt vời cho đến khi đám cháy.

Đó là buổi tối thứ Bảy và mọi người đang ở vũ trường ở tầng trệt, Nó rất đông người. Họ đã nhảy múa và ca hát vui vẻ. Đột nhiên, chúng tôi cảm thấy khói. Khói đen bắt đầu bốc lên đầy phòng. Mọi người bắt đầu la hét hoảng sợ. Mọi người chạy về phía các lối thoát hiểm. Một cửa đã bị chặn. Nhiều người bắt đầu ho và bị sặc.

Sau đó, khi tất cả chúng tôi chỉ còn vài phút để sống, đội cứu hỏa đã đến. Những người lính cứu hỏa đã chiến đấu theo cách của họ vào phòng, và ngay sau đó, mọi người đã ra khỏi tòa nhà một cách an toàn. May mắn thay, không ai bị thương nặng. Đó là trải nghiệm đáng sợ nhất trong cuộc đời tôi.

Last year, I spent my summer holidays in a seaside town. The hotel was modern and comfortable. I had a wonderful holiday until the fire.

It was Saturday evening and everybody was in the discotheque on the first floor. It was crowded with people. They were dancing and singing happily. Suddenly we smelt smoke. Then the black smoke began to fill up the room. Everybody started to scream in panic. People ran towards the fire exits. One door was blocked. Many people began coughing and choking. Then just as we thought we had only minutes to live, the fire brigade arrived. Firemen fought their way into the room and soon everybody was safely out of the building. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt. It was the most frightening experience of my life.

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