Use the ideas you have discussed above to write a letter to apen pal about your family riles. Begin as follows

2 câu trả lời

Dear John,

Today, I have somethings interesting to tell you. It's family's rules. Every family has its own rules. Mine has a few.

First, I'm not allowed to watch TV until I have finished my homework. And when I'm allowed to go out with friends, I mustn't come home late

Second, everybody has to do their shair of household chores. And mine are preparing meals and doing the washing.

Third, my parents want me not to talk on the phone more than ten minutes.

Last but not least, I must ask for permission if I want to use our family motorbike.

How about yours?



Bận quá nên chị vắn tắt thế này thôi. Chúc em học tốt nhé! ^^

Dear A,

We haven't written to each other for a long time. There are changes in my family so we have had new rules for our family members to follow.

Because my mom has to look after our new-born brother, we have to do the household chores. Moreover, we are not allowed to come home late at night as usual because it may disturb mom and my brother.

For meals, my sister Mary has to prepare them. In the evening, we are not allowed to watch TV too late.

And another thing is that we are not permitted to talk loudly on the phone. And another thing is that my dad doesn't allow us to go out with friends whenever we have spare time.

Busy as we are, we still feel very happy because we can help parents a lot with things around home.

How about you? Are there any changes in your family rules?

Look forward to your reply.

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