Topic: write a paragraph about difficulties your mom has to face in life.

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mom is the best person in our life but we have not known about difficultities she has face. i remember the firt days at the new house, she has not relax after a tired day,went out the kitchen and maked me a boul of soup. just a really small things but it really make me feel warm. 

There are 3 difficulties that my mom has to face in life, they are struggling to understand all the things that “kids are up to these days”, keeping you away from old family secrets and feuds and turning a blind eye when you messed up or did something wrong. First of all, being your go-to confidant is a task your mom gladly accepts, but it also means that she has to work hard if she wants to keep up with the younger generations. When she talks to you she needs some sort of context and at least a rudimentary understanding of youth culture if she wants to relate, and it can be confusing and tiring for her at times. Being the cool and understanding mom requires patience and quite a bit of research on the side. Second, if you have had a relatively fun and relaxed childhood, all things considered, then you probably owe your mom a huge gift. All families will have some traction, all kinds of small feuds and issues, and perhaps a few skeletons in the closet. It’s up to moms to act as a buffer between their children and the turbulent relations within the family, always keeping their chin up and a smile on their face. Last but not least, while most of us like to think that we were pretty good as children, the truth is that kids can be quite the handful at times. It takes a lot of time to develop a strong sense of right and wrong, and learn how to behave, and our moms tend to be incredibly patient throughout our different developmental stages. We would break things and lie about it, even though it was obvious we did it, or we’d make the very mistakes our mother told us how to avoid; yet mom would sometimes skip the stern talk and let one slide if she felt that we felt very bad about it.

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