topic: nói về people of vietnam (nói về con người, 54 dân tộc ...)

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The people of Vietnam

Across Indochina, you will find an eclectic mix of cultures with influences from across the Asian continent. From Vietnam's hill tribe minorities and Laos' 160 ethnic groups to the historical Khmer people of Cambodia - the population of this region is astonishingly diverse, and has seen huge changes take place over a long and tumultuous history.

Here, we've attempted to give some introduction to the people of Vietnam - though to understand each of the country's individual ethnic groups could take a lifetime!

The cultural identity of ethnic groups is clearly reflected in the economic, tangible and intangible cultural activities of ethnic communities. One of the common characteristics that make up the quality of Vietnamese people and culture is patriotism, diligence, compassion, hard work, creativity in labor, attachment, and harmony with nature. village community and the merciful, selfless virtue of every human being.
54 Vietnamese ethnic groups are classified into 3 linguistic families and 8 linguistic groups: Vietnamese - Muong, Tay - Thai, Mong - Dao, Ka Dai, Tibetan Burmese, Nam Dao, Han
It can be said that Vietnamese culture is a combination of cultural values ​​of 54 ethnic groups, including indigenous ethnic groups living in the territory of Vietnam, with immigrants from other places; there are peoples with a few hundred people only, there are peoples with millions of people, but the peoples always consider each other as brothers and sisters, love and support for each other to build and defend the Fatherland as the words Uncle Ho stated in his letter to the National Assembly of Ethnic Minorities: “The Kinh or Tho, Muong or Man, Gia Rai, Ed De, Xe Dang or Ba Na and other ethnic minorities are all descendants. Vietnam, are siblings. We live and die together, happy together, hungry to help each other. Rivers can be shallow, mountains may wear, but our solidarity never diminishes. We are determined to join forces to maintain our autonomy. ”

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