topic: health you should say: 1) do you think health is important ? 2) what do you do to keep your health ? 3) can you suggest some possible activities that good for specific system of body?

1 câu trả lời

1, of course health is important to humans 
2,I need to eat healthy, eat boiled gooseberries, exercise regularly and go to bed on time and have to prevent illness, when I see strange signs, I should see my doctor.
3,Some good body functions are:
+hand movements.
+breathing movements.
+foot movement.
+chest movements.
đoạn văn
Naturally There are many ways to have good health.First, considering sleep and nutrition to help prevent the onset of cold or flu, a healthy lifestyle keeps your immune system in the best possible state, giving you the best possible fight a cold or flu onset.Next, exercising regularly as it has an immune system-boosting effect can help prevent disease.Lastly, eating more fruits to provide vitamin C may prevent the common cold.Furthermore, you should drink more milk, which will keep you healthy and fight off colds.
Wish you good study ^ w ^!
Remember me the best and 5 stars thanks

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