To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement " Men not women should be the breadwinner of the family " Write a paragraph in about 150 words.

2 câu trả lời

I disagree that "men not women should be the breadwinner of the family" for three main reasons. First of all, women should be independent as well. They need to have their own money for they cannot depend on their husband's budget for personal problems like clothes, or skincare. Furthermore, they should be ready to face the challenges in case they cannot rely on their spouse for financial support. Secondly, depending on each family's condition, women may need to work in order to help provide for their family. Moreover, they can even make much more than their partner, thus turning them into the breadwinner. Having said that,  some  women  actually  want  to  go  to  work,  experience  something  exciting  that  they  have  never experienced at home. Thirdly, in today's world, more women are educated and they need to put their knowledge to good use, not to use it wastefully at home. They need to have an identity, a role, a voice in society. Most females don't realise how smart they are until they go out to the real world and make a huge contribution to the world. All things considered, I think women have as much capability as men to share the main financial responsibilities. 

Currently, with the development of society, women have many opportunities for development and promotion outside of society. They are both the company leader and the breadwinner of the family. However, I have observed that some families do not accept this.
If the regulation of making money is carried by men only or the housework is only done by women, it will put pressure on them, affecting their health, psychology and many other things. Whoever has the ability to go out and make better money, the other can take on more housework. Their housework does not create wealth, but it creates great values ​​in the family, instead of hiring a maid, parents take care of their children. Taking care of the family creates cohesion, uplifting the spirit of family members ... Women or men who retreat to take care of the family are not "sticking", it is important that both discuss together. , share together.

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