Think of three typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people and examples to support each of them. Then write a short text of 150-180 words about these characteristics. Viết outline thôi ạ. Không copy trên mạng nha ~~

2 câu trả lời

In my opinion, there are 3 typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people.

First, it’s saving money. They usually save money from their young age and until their old age. Nowadays, in the city, this view seems to change but those in countryside still share this point.The second outstanding feature is they live modestly and always work hard. In the past, they live mainly on farming, they wake up early in the morning and work all long day on the farm till the end of afternoon. They also don’t demand too much for their life, which you can be seen when seeing their houses and their customs. Until these modern days, they still have this habit.Besides, Vietnamese are actually friendly and hospitable people. Their hospitality is shown clearly in the way they greet and treat their friends and visitors. Either pre-arranged or unexpected, you always can receive a warm welcome by Vietnamese people because this is a part of their traditional culture.

Despite going through many ups and downs, basically, Vietnamese have still kept traditional values in their lifestyle reflected in the relationship of family and friends.

There are some characteristics shared by most Vietnamese people.

The first charactericstic is saving money. Vietnamese people is very saving, they save money from young to old. Some poeple work all their life just for their offspring after that.

The second charactericstic is follow the crowd. They will follow the idea of many people even if it’s wrong. Seems silly? But it's right. This happens on social networks a lot. For example,when there are some the phenomenon of grinding out in the life, Vietnamese poeple will listen to the majority,maybe it's wrong they still believe until there has any envidence.

The third charactericstic is love football: People tend to celebrate whenever Vietnamese football team wins. They were so excited to hear the news of the win. When Vietnam team won, they pour into the street to celebrate. These features are believed to be part of the Vietnamese characteristics.

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