They /build / this house/ 2012 Your school/ have / three floors? Ba / the lazy / student Who/ run / the fast/ your class? Hoa / have /much money/ than you He/ used /go/ school / foot

2 câu trả lời

`1.` They built this house in 2012

`-` in 2012 là DHNB thì QKĐ

`-` Cấu trúc: S + V2/ed + O

`2.` Does your school have three floors?

`-` Cấu trúc nghi vấn thì HTĐ: Do/does + S + V1..?

`-` Your school là số ít `->` does

`3.` Ba is the laziest student in my class

`-` Cấu trúc SSN tính từ ngắn: S + be + the + adj + EST 

`-` lazy tận cùng là y `->` chuyển Y thành I rồi thêm EST

`-` Ba là số ít `->` is

`4.` Who runs the fastest in your class?

`-` Cấu trúc SSN trạng từ ngắn: S + V + the + adj + EST 

`5.` Hoa has more money than you

`-` Cấu trúc SSH danh từ: S1 + V + more/ less/ fewer + N + than + S2

`-` Hoa là số ít `->` has

`6.` He used to go to school on foot

`-` used to: đã từng

`-` Cấu trúc: S + used to + V1...


`1.1`.They built this house in 2012

`\rightarrow` Thì QKĐ : S + Ved / V2

`\rightarrow` in 2012 = Quá khứ

`1.2`.They have built this house since 2012

`\rightarrow` Thì HTHT : S + have / has + V3 / PII 

`\rightarrow` Đặc điểm nhận dạng : since

`2`.Does your school have three floors ?

`\rightarrow` Thì HTĐ ( CNV ) : Do / Does + S + V ?

`3`.Ba is the laziest student in my class

`\rightarrow` So sánh nhất ( Tính từ ) : S + be + the adj-est / the most adj

`4`.Who runs the fastest in your class ?

`\rightarrow` So sánh nhất ( Trạng từ ) : S + V + the adv-est / the most adv

`5`.Hoa has more money than you

`\rightarrow` So sánh hơn ( Trạng từ ) : S1 + V + adv-er / more adv + than + S2

`6`.He used to go to school on foot

`\rightarrow` `\text{S + used to + V :}` Đã từng

`\text{@ TheFox}`

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