Talk about types of pollution in your neighbourhood and their consequences

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- First is polluted water. Water pollution is the contamination of bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater ( the water beneath the Earth's surface ). It's one of a most serious types of pollution. Water pollution can have many different causes. 

- Second is air- polluted. Air- pollution is the contamination of bodies of air such as trees, people and other things. Air likes water. Air- pollution can have many different causes. 


Environmental pollution is a change in the environment. Accordingly, elements with physical, biological and chemical properties of the environment are changed. This change affects human health as well as other living things. Accordingly, air pollution is a change in the composition of the air. This change is mainly due to dust, chemicals, foreign gases, etc. This change will cause climate change. Reduce visibility or affect human and animal health. Causes of air pollution Air pollution has two main causes: natural and man-made. Natural causes can be mentioned as forest fires, dust winds, storms, etc. However, most of the causes of air pollution are caused by humans: In the production activities of the enterprise, the emissions are not properly treated. The process of burning fossil fuels during production. This is also one of the causes of air pollution. Manufacturing industries often cause air pollution. These include metallurgy, thermal power plants, fertilizers, chemicals, textiles, footwear, leather, etc. Vehicles produce pollutant particles in the air. … Industrial development is the main cause of air pollution Industrial development is the main cause of air pollution Consequences of air pollution Effects of air pollution on plants and animals Air pollution causes profound harm to animals and plants. Hazardous compounds such as SO2, NO2, CO, H2S, lead, etc. When entering all living things, they can cause airway obstruction. Especially for animals. Accordingly, it reduces the immune system as well as the metabolism. Fruit trees are often very sensitive to changes in the environment. Fruit trees exposed to HF compounds can cause mass defoliation. Air pollution also increases the global warming by the greenhouse effect. Hazardous chemicals present in polluted air can cause acid rain. Acid rain has the ability to kill beneficial microorganisms in the soil and destroy crops. Acid rain also changes the quality of water in rivers, streams and lakes. Chemical compounds are also capable of combining with water present in the air. At the same time, following the rain, these compounds also seep into the ground, causing irreversible harm. This can cause mass death of animals and plants. Toxic chemicals also have the ability to seep into the food chain causing poisoning. And pollute the water environment and harm aquatic organisms. Acid rain is also one of the consequences of air pollution Acid rain is also one of the consequences of air pollution Harm to humans Effects on human health are the most serious consequences of air pollution. It makes the rate of people suffering from respiratory diseases, cancer, infertility, etc. is increasing day by day. cutamdecor sales According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year around the world, about 7 million people die from diseases related to air pollution such as heart disease, lung disease and stroke. Every day, about 93% of the world's children under the age of 15 (equivalent to 1.8 billion children) breathe polluted air that seriously affects their health and development. Effects on the respiratory system With the current era of industrialization, the rapid development makes the need to use means and tools to simplify people's lives more and more. This has been causing an increase in the rate of smog in the air. Every day, people have to inhale a huge amount of dust pollution. Causes negative effects on the lungs and respiratory tract. Environmental pollution puts the lungs under high pressure and the goats are damaged. At the same time, it also alleviates the symptoms from people who already carry the disease. For example, asthma, respiratory failure, bronchitis, etc. Especially people living in densely populated areas like cities. These places all contain a large amount of garbage and traffic dust. Therefore, there is also a higher rate of respiratory diseases than in rural areas. Causing dangerous diseases The effects of air pollution on humans are extremely dangerous. Especially the impact of fine dust. In particular, PM2.5 fine dust is the most affected factor. It is considered as the air pollutant that has the most negative impact on human health. Because it is very small in size. Only about 2.5 micrometers. That's about 3% the diameter of a human hair. Therefore, it has the ability to deposit, penetrate and go deep into the alveoli in the lungs and into the blood. Every day we breathe about 10,000 liters of air or more depending on age and physical activity. Therefore, if the concentration of PM2.5 dust in the air is high, then the daily exposure. This increases the risk of acute and chronic health problems. Specifically, these particles can slip through the body's immune system. Penetrates deeply into the respiratory and circulatory systems. After which gradually damages human lungs, heart and brain. Causes a variety of dangerous diseases. As acute lower respiratory tract infection. Causes stroke, neurasthenia, heart attack, asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, etc. Air pollution is one of the causes of dangerous diseases Air pollution is one of the causes of dangerous diseases Make the body poison In addition to fine dust, sooty particles and nitrous oxide emitted from cars, manufacturing plants and power plants, etc. can form an extremely dangerous pollutant mixture. When inhaled, they move throughout your body through your bloodstream. Especially dangerous when these dusts are organic compounds, pesticides, heavy metals... Can cause body poisoning, asthma or cancer... Causes infertility in men nam According to the results of a research group of China University. The immediate study surveyed 6,500 men living in Taiwan. The results show that the sperm quality of these people is greatly weakened when living in areas with a polluted environment. Research shows that for every 0.005 milligram increase in particulate pollution per cubic meter of air. It increased the risk of being in the group with many weak sperms by 26%. Affects eyes and causes skin diseases Air pollution not only affects the respiratory tract, directly crept into the internal organs through the respiration of the nose, mouth, ... but also directly affects the eyes. The eye is a sensitive human organ. Factors such as sunlight, wind, dust, etc. have direct effects on the eyes. Causes many dangerous diseases. Environmental pollution affects the eyes, causing the eyes to produce water that causes inflammation, the most common are red eyes, burning sensation, watery eyes. Itchy eyes, lots of discharge, feeling dry, gritty, impaired vision, etc. It can even cause dangerous diseases like cataracts or cancer. It also causes skin diseases, hair loss, baldness, etc. Eyes and skin are also affected by air pollution Consequences of air pollution on the economy and society Air pollution causes many negative economic and social impacts. They cause economic damage. Because if people suffer from many diseases, it will directly affect the quality of agricultural and aquatic products. At the same time, the physical and chemical factors of the environment are changed. The economy also suffers more damage when it comes to spending capital to improve the living environment for people. In addition, the contaminated environment will also have a direct impact on human tourism and shopping activities. Consequences of air pollution on the economy and society Consequences of air pollution on the economy and society Measures to protect health Nowadays, humans are seriously destroying nature. Changing properties and causing environmental degradation. Especially because it is industrial waste, etc., which makes the problem of environmental protection extremely difficult. To prevent the effects of air pollution, the first thing we need is the cooperation of the whole society. Let's all come together: Environmental awareness: no discharge, no burning of garbage, burning of straw, cleaning of houses, neighborhoods, etc. Plant more trees Use public transport, limit personal vehicles Use clean fuel For each individual, we must be aware of the dangers of fine dust and air pollution, and at the same time propagate to our loved ones, family and friends about the harmful effects of PM2.5. Protect yourself by: Always wear a mask when going out Exercise and eat in moderation to improve resistance, especially lung detoxification methods can be used to reduce the influence of fine dust in the body. Use an air purifier to help clean your living space. Wearing a mask is also a measure to prevent the consequences of air pollution Wearing a mask is also a measure to prevent the consequences of air pollution.

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