talk about the environmental impacts of human activities

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The impact of human activities on nature can be observed in different types of pollution, in global warming or in the extinction of species.
Human activities create impacts on nature since they intervened and sometimes, turn it into a new thing for their own benefits.
The simple human presence on the planet has changed it because when breathing it will emit CO2 and its survival implies the consumption of natural resources in the environment.
In fact, 80% of the world's available resources are consumed in developed countries. But to do this, we must add the use of resources related to the development of human life: industry, urban planning, technology, ..
7 true effects of human activity to nature
Although there are many impacts that human actions can be caused to the environment, the following is a list to illustrate this fact a general way:
Excessive population
The development in the areas of health management and hygiene of human settlements, has helped significantly increase human life while contributing to reducing mortality.
The consequences of this are excessive population. Today, Earth planets have nearly 7500 billion people live ..
The urbanization of territories once the green lungs of cities, meaning deforestation in these areas with the erosion of the soil and destroying animal habitats ..
Similarly, the struggle for non-renewable resources of the earth, not enough to meet human needs, has become clear ..
The shift and extinction of animals
There are many examples of animals that are at risk of disappearing due to lack of climatic or food conditions that lead to destroying their natural habitat ..
Perhaps one of the most intermediaries is the case of panda, at risk of extinction due to bamboo deforestation, hideout and excellent food.
The increase in greenhouse gas emissions has affected the fact that air is not completely pure and harmless to human health.
Similarly, smoke or gas particles are created by decomposing organic matter, exploiting or burning hydrocarbons, making the air into something harmful to humanity.

Cho mìn xin ctlhn nha!

@Bảo Ngọc

Currently, people are facing a lot of problems about our environment, due to the following cases: Indiscriminate garbage, destruction of trees, Pollution from industrial activities, The environment is polluted again from production Agricultural production, Industrial waste is harmful to the environment, ... it is making the earth affected like air pollution: causing acid rain, perforating the ozone layer, increasing the greenhouse effect. land warming, bipolar ice melts causing sea level rise... Water pollution: destroys living organisms in the water, causing red tides, lack of fresh water for daily life, pollution, depletion of aquifers …, we can do things to keep the environment from being polluted by: Do not dump chemicals and waste oil on the land or into the water bodies that pour into rivers and seas, Sorting organic waste, recyclable waste and inorganic waste, please protect the environment!


Hiện nay con người đang gặp rất nhiều vân sđeef về môi trường của chúng ta , do các trường hợp nhue : Xã rác bừa bãi, phá hoại cây xanh ,Ô nhiễm từ hoạt động công nghiệp,Môi trường lại bị ô nhiễm từ việc sản xuất nông nghiệp,Chất thải công nghiệp gây hại đến môi trường , ... nó đang làm cho trái đất bị ảnh hưởng như ô nhiễm môi trường không khí: gây ra mưa axit, thủng tầng ozone, tăng hiệu ứng nhà kính làm trái đất nóng lên, băng hai cực tan chảy làm nước biển dâng cao… Ô nhiễm môi trường nước: hủy diệt các sinh vật sống trong nước, gây thủy triều đỏ, thiếu nước ngọt cho sinh hoạt, ô nhiễm, cạn kiệt mạch nước ngầm…,chúng ta có thể làm những việc để môi trường không bị ô nhiễm bằng cách : Không đổ hóa chất và dầu thải ra đất hoặc vào các mạch nước đổ ra sông, biển,Phân loại rác hữu cơ, rác có thể tái chế và rác vô cơ , hãy bảo vệ môi trường bạn nhé !

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