Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Many companies recruit graduate__________ to train as managers. (train) 2. The pronunciation course will help you make a big__________ in your spoken English. (improve) 3. Many_______ students choose to study in Australia because of the high qualityof education. (nation) 4. Is the Loch Ness Monster a real or__________ creature? (legend) 5. People around the world see the Statue of Liberty as a Symbol of__________. (free) 6. The__________ in Switzerland is exceedingly attractive to the tourists. (scenic) 7. Vancouver and Toronto are__________ liveable cities in the world. (famous) 8. One of the less__________ features of California is the threat of earthquakes. (attract) 9. Both__________ and English are the official languages of Ireland. (Ireland) 10. Denali State Park is one of North America’s most__________ beautiful regions.(spectacle)

2 câu trả lời

1. trainers

2. improvement

3. national

4. legendary

5. freedom

6. scene

7. fame

8. attractive

9. Irish

10. spectactive

1. training

2. improvement

3. international

4. legendary

5. freedom

6. scene

7. the most famous 

8. attractive

9. Irish

10. spectacularly.

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