sarah....(collect)plenty of information for the assignment recently 2/the lives of VN farmers...(change)dramatically since the invention of the harvesting machine 3/he.....(teach)EL in this university for 3 years 4/that university......(not hold) any seminars since september 5/his father-in-law...(do)research since last year 6/my classmates and i .......(just/receive)the results of our recent exams 7/i......(read)all the books on the reading list today ,so i have the notes now

2 câu trả lời


$\begin{array}{I}\text{1.has collected(recently->HTHT)}\\\text{2.have changed}\\\text{3.has taught(for+a period of time->HTHT)}\\\text{4.hasn't held(since+a point of time->HTHT)}\\\text{5.has done}\\\text{6.have just received(just:chỉ hành động vừa mới xảy ra->HTHT)}\\\text{7.have read}\end{array}$

has collected

have changed

have taught

hasn't held

has done

have just received

have read

Thì HTHT: S+have/has+VPII

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