Sắp xếp 5. local/ at/ school/ the/ they/ Were/ students/ secondary? 6. age/ Daisy/ to/ the/ an/ piano/ early/ at/ learnt. 7. cars/ streets/ 10/ ago/ There/ not/ year/ were/ so/ many/ in. 8. friends/ ,/ Last/ my/ and/ to/ cinema/ the/ went/ week. 9. didn’t /me/ use/ allow/ knife/ My/ to/ father. 10. Did/ leave/ you/ party/ the/ early/ night/ last?

2 câu trả lời

1. Were they students at the local secondary school?

2. Daisy learnt to play the piano at an early age.

3. There were not so many cars in streets 10 years ago.

4. Last week, my friends and I went to the cinema.

5. My father didn't allow me to use knife.

6. Did you leave the party early last night?

6. Daisy learnt to play the piano at an early age. 

7. There were not so many cars in the streets 10 years ago. 

8. Last week, my friends and I went to the cinema.

9. My father did not allow me to use knife.

10. Did you leave the party early last night ?

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