Sắp xếp : 1 learn/had/./to/she/easier/than/Huyen/expected/found/Arabic 2 at/Viet Nam/7/day/at/./start/5/morning/,/In the classes / each / ends / school/and 3 team/always/to /example/captain/goes/the/for/on/be/./good/work/time/a/The/to 4 corner/see/Turn/./the/and/you/at/shop/souvernir/right/will/the

2 câu trả lời

1. Huyen found easier to learn Aerobic than she had expected.

2. In Viet Nam, classes start at 7 each morning and the school day ends at 5.

3. The captain always goes to work on time to be a good example for the team.

4. Turn right and you will see the souvenir shop at the corner.


1. Huyen found Arabic easier to learn than she had expected.

2. In Viet Nam, classes start at 7 each morning and the school day ends at 5.

3. The captain always goes to work on time to be a good example for the team.

4. Turn left and you will see the souvenir shop at the corner. 

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