Rút gọn xuống còn 250 words As the number of coronavirus cases here in the United States has now surpassed 10,000. A new poll shows that the public thinks everything is going pretty darn good. According to the latest ABC news poll, 55% of people in this country now approve of the way that Donald Trump has handled the response to this pandemic. 43% disapprove, 55% approve and that's actually a complete reversal of where these numbers were just one week ago. Now earlier in the week, we had seen one other poll that showed a majority approving of how the president was handling this and at the time I said, well, this poll is probably an outlier. You're probably not going to be able to replicate these results in another poll. And damn it, if ABC news didn't go out there and replicate those same results, making me look like a complete fool. But to be honest, other polls confirming this doesn't make me look like a fool. It makes the American public look like fools right now. What has this man done that you think is like, that's good? That's what we should be doing. What has he done folks? The man has done nothing. He goes out there every single day up to and including Thursday and Friday of this very week and lied about it. He lied to your faces, people, and you still look at that and you can do your little clap and you say, wow, I approve of this. Wow, he's really good at this. He's going to be sending us checks. We don't even know if there is going to be a bailout for American workers because of all the bickering happening, right now in DC over this. We do know for a fact that bailouts are coming to massive industries who mismanaged their own money, but we the average American citizen or waiting with bated breath trying to figure out if we get anything or if it's all just going to go to companies who are already pulling in billions. They're just not getting their billions this month, until the government bails them out. Donald Trump has not done anything worth praising with his response to this. He has hinted at doing things that are worthy of praise, like taking over the means of production so that companies can't price gouge. That would be awesome. He's talked about it and hadn't done it, but he's talked about it, so you can't give him credit for that yet. You know he's talked about extending paid sick leave every American worker. Hell yeah, that'd be awesome. He hasn't done anything about it, but he's talked about it. He's talked about sending us each checks said he likes that idea and then he moved on. Folks, I'm not just saying this as somebody who hates Donald Trump and believe me, I hate him. I'm saying this as somebody who's looking at this rationally. Stop being hoodwinked and fooled by somebody who just says, we could do thing and maybe I will it start looking at it as what they've actually done. Is there anything in Donald Trump's history that seems to suggest that this man is going to go full blown progressive in a time of crisis? No. No, there isn't. Now he may considering it's an election year and you also have to keep that in mind. He's not doing it because he cares about you. He's not doing it because he wants you to be okay. He's doing it because he wants to buy your vote. (597 words) Rút gọn xuống còn 250 words

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Because the number of coronaviruses here in the United States has now exceeded 10,000. A new poll shows that things are going well. According to ABC's latest news poll, 55% of people in the country now agree with the way Donald Trump has dealt with the pandemic. Now we have seen another poll that shows that most people agree with the way the president handles this and well, it is probably an exception. You may not be able to copy these results. And damn it, if the ABC news doesn't show up there and that copy is talking about it. He talked about sending us each check saying he liked the idea and then he continued. Guys, I'm not just saying this as someone who hates Donald Trump and believes me. I am saying this as a person who is looking at this logically. Is there anything in the history of Donald Trump that seems to suggest that this man will fully improve in times of crisis? No, not yet. He does it because he wants to buy your vote., makes me look like a complete fool. But to be honest, other polls confirm this doesn't make me that way. It makes the American public look like fools. What did this person do that you think is good? That's what we should do. The man did nothing. He goes out every day until Thursday and Friday of this very week and lies about it. He lies to your face, people, and you still look at it and you can clap your hands and you say, wow, I agree with this.

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