Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice. 1. Careless driving causes many accidents............ 2. Somebody will clean the room later.. ... 3. They are building a new highway around the city........ 4. They didn't cancel all the flights because of the fog. ............ 5. The teacher has told them a funny story....... 6. The waiter isn't going to bring Fred a big steak... 7. They were carrying bags......... 8. We handed in our essay last weekend............ 9. You can buy these videos anywhere........

1 câu trả lời


`to` Many accidents are caused by careless driving.

`-` Form : S+is/am/are+(not)+V3/ed+(by+O).......


`to` The room will be clean later.

`-` Form : S+will/be going to/ modal verb +(not)+be+V3/ed+(by+O).......


`to` a new highway around the city is being built.

`-` Form : S+is/am/are+(not)+being+V3/ed+(by+O)........


`to` all the flights weren't canceled because of the fog.

`-` theo mình thì nên dùng despite / in spite of thay cho because thì câu hợp nghĩa hơn

`-` Form : S+was/were+(not)+V3/ed+(by+O)......


`to` They has been told a funny story by the teacher.

`-` Form : S+has/have+(not)+been+V3/ed+(by+O).......


`to` Fred isn't going to be brought a big steak by the waiter.

`-` Form : S+is/am/are+(not)+being+V3/ed+(by+O)........


`to` Bags were bring carried.

`-` Form : S+was/were+(not)+being+V3/ed + (by+O)....


`to` Our essay was handed in last weekend 

`-` Form : S+was/were+(not)+V3/ed+(by+O)......


`to` These videos can be bought anywhere.

`-` Form : S+will/be going to/ modal verb +(not)+be+V3/ed+(by+O).......