Rewrite the following sentences: 15, What a shame you didn't tell me earlier. --> If only.............................................................................. 16, She can't go camping because of her age. --> If....................................................................................... 17, What would you do if there was an earthquake? --> Supposing....................................................................... 18, Lan feels tired now because she ate too much this morning. --> Lan wouldn't................................................................... 19, Pay me back the money, or I will tell your mother. --> If......................................................................................... 20, What a pity Mai can't come. --> I wish..................................................................................... 21, My sister regretted not working hard before. --> My sister wished...................................................................... 22, We should leave now , otherwise we will be late for the class. --> If we.................................................................................................. 23, I am sorry that I asked her to stay. --> Now I wish...................................................................................... 24, He lost his money because he wasn't careful . --> If he........................................................................................................ 25, It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was late for work every morning. --> If he................................................................................................... 26, I only made that mistake because I didn't think. -->If I............................................................................................................. 27, I only bought that dog because my children wanted a pet. --> If my children....................................................................................... 28, It was overeating that cause his heart attack. --> If he hadn't ........................................................................................... 29, he did that way because he didn't listen to our advice. --> If he......................................................................................................

2 câu trả lời

15 you told me earlier

16 she were younger, she could go camping

17 there was an earthquake, what would you do?

18 feel tired now if she didn't eat too much this morning

19. you don't pay me back the money, I will tell your mother

20. Mai could come

21. she had worked hard before

22. don't leave now, we will be late for the class

23. I hadn't asked her to stay

24. had been careful, he wouldn't have lost his money

25. hadn't been late for work every morning, he wouldn't have lost his job

26. had thought, I wouldn't have made that mistake

27. hadn't wanted a pet, I wouldn't have bought that dog

28. overeaten, he wouldn't have had a heart attack

29. had listened to our advice, he wouldn't have done that way

Bạn tham khảo nhé :

15. If only you told me earlier.

16. If she were younger, she could go camping.

17. Supposing there was an earthquake, what would you do?

18. Lan wouldn't feel tired now if she didn't eat too much this morning.

19. If you don't pay me back the money, I will tell your mother.

20. I wish Mai could come.

21. My sister wished she had worked hard before.

22. If we don't leave now, we will be late for the class.

23. Now I wish hadn't asked her to stay.

24. If he had been careful, he wouldn't have lost his money.

25. If he hadn't been late for work every morning, he wouldn't have lost his job.

26. If I had thought, I wouldn't have made that mistake.

27. If my children hadn't wanted a pet, I wouldn't have bought that dog.

28. If he hadn't overeaten, he wouldn't have had a heart attack.

29. If he had listened to our advice, he wouldn't have done that way.

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