Question 36. __________________ family which consists of three or more generations is still very popular in Vietnam nowadays. (EXTEND) Question 37. My dad is __________________ for doing the heavy things and mending thins around the house. (RESPONSIBILITY) Question 38. The baby cries because her sister doesn’t split the cake __________________. (EQUAL) Question 39. The company has __________________ a wide range of good products for the local citizens. (PROVISION) Question 40. Parents are __________________ to spend free time collaborating with schools in educating their children. (ENCOURAGE) Question 41. __________________, husbands go out to work to support the family finance whereas wives stay at home and take care of the children. (TRADITION) Question 42. A person is considered __________________ if he or she does not take good care of his or her parents. (GRATEFUL) Question 43. Young people should also learn to respect and take care of their ____________ parents. (OLD) Question 44. In what ways can parents contribute to __________________ their children? (EDUCATE) Question 45. His uncle is such a busy man that he has not tome for rest and _________________. (RELAX)

1 câu trả lời

36. Extended (extended family: đại gia đình)

37. responsible (be responsible for V-ing: chịu trách nhiệm làm gì)

38. equally (adv: một cách công bằng; verb + adv)

39. provided (v: cung cấp; thì HTHT: has/have Vpp)

40. encouraged (Vpp: khuyến khích; bị động thì HTĐ: am/is/are Vpp)

41. Traditionally (adv: theo truyền thống)

42. ungrateful (adj: vô ơn; be consider to adj: được xem như)

43. elderly (adj: có tuổi, cao tuổi; adj + N)

44. educating (V-ing: giáo dục; contribute to V-ing: góp phần làm gì)

45. relaxation (n: sự nghỉ ngơi)

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