Mr Hai delivers the letters everyday? 1 điểm _____________________________ 2. The children often buy the tickets at the box office.ivers the letters everyday?* 1 điểm ______________________________ 3. They usually finish their homework before bed time? * 1 điểm _______________________________ 4. The teacher corrects our exercises today? * 1 điểm _________________________________ 5. We often watch the shows of music on TV ? * 1 điểm _________________________________ Giúp mình với lát phải nộp rồi

2 câu trả lời

1 . Mr Hai delivers => Does Mr Hai deliver 

2 . Thêm" do " ở đầu câu

3 . Thêm " do " ở đầu câu

4 . corrects => does the teacher correct

5 . Thêm " do " ở đầu

1. Does Mr Hai deliver

2. Do the children often buy the → Ф tickets at the box office.ivers the letters everyday?

3. Do they

4. Does the teacher correct

5. Do we often watch the → Ф shows of music on TV ?

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