Mọi người giúp em với ạ. Em cảm ơn 17. I’d like …………. butter, please * A) any B) a C) some D) an 15. If there is……….to eat, please give me some. * A) something B) anything C) everything D) nothing 19. They are both good ……….. because they type carefully * A) type man B) typewriters C) typists D) typers 16. We listen to ………. a lot * A) a radio B) same radio C) the radio D) radio 20. In England and America, inches and feet are…………of measurement. * A) bits B) units C) portions D) scales 14. How .................... chocolate have you got? * A) no word is needed B) about C) much D) many 18. Brian wants to be a soldier but he dislikes wearing ………. A) a suit B) clothes C) a custom D) a uniform 13. I drink some ................. tea every morning. * A) no word is needed B) a cup of C) cups D) much

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