mk hua se cho 5 sao va cau tra loi hay nhat,dich luon ho mk nhe Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the box excursion ,accents ,scenic , symbolises , native , official , museum , unique , South , Arctic 1. In Singapore, the number of...... speakers of English is still rising. 2. Australia is home to a variety of ......... animals, including the koala, kangaroo,emu. 3. The Statue of Liberty located in New York ......... the USA. 4. Antarctica is a continent located ảound the Earth's ........ Pole. 5. People from various English speaking countries have different.......... 6. We decided to join Highclere Castle in English countryside. 7. Madame Tossaud is a famous London and some major cities around world. 8.The.......... Circle passes through eight countries,including Canada 9.English,Tamil,Malay,and Mandarin Chinese are..........languages in Singapore 10.Ireland is famous for the of its coastal cliffs

2 câu trả lời

1. In Singapore, the number of native speakers of English is still rising.

2. Australia is home to a variety of unique animals, including the koala, kangaroo,emu.

3. The Statue of Liberty located in New York symbolies the USA.

4. Antarctica is a continent located ảound the Earth's South Pole.

5. People from various English speaking countries have differen accents

6. We decided to join an excursion to Highclere Castle in English countryside.

7. Madame Tossaud is a famous museum  in London and some major cities around world.
8.The official Circle passes through eight countries,including Canada
9.English,Tamil,Malay,and Mandarin Chinese are native languages in Singapore
10.Ireland is famous for the native beauty of its coastal cliffs

1. native

2. unique

3. symbolises

4. arctic

5. accents

6. excursion

7. museum

8. south

9. official

10. scenic

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