make a plan for yourself to improve your english. Viết thành văn lun nha Gợi ý: các ngày trong tuần sẽ làm gì? viết giống như thời khóa biểu cuối tuần bạn sẽ luyện nói với ai

2 câu trả lời


During your commute to work, listen to English podcasts that you find interesting OR read a magazine, novel or anything in English. (Obviously NOT during your commute if you are driving!)


Try to find an intercambio (a language exchange). Get together for some conversation over a coffee or a beer for an hour. You could do an hour of English and an hour of your native language to help them learn. is a great resource for finding groups of people with similar interests. Or just look in the classifieds of a newspaper or online.


Sign up for a free course from They have 4 courses that can help you improve all aspects of your English.

As you are a higher level they may be too basic for you but try the fourth course and see if it is appropriate.


Watch a movie in English or watch a TV episode in English. If this is too hard, which it with English subtitles as well.

If you have satellite TV, change all movies to the original version and watch them in English.


Review some grammar, phrasal verbs or idioms to help express yourself more naturally. Use a grammar text book or websites from the internet.

Try to choose phrasal verbs or idioms that are useful to you so that you will use them frequently.


Go out and see a movie in original version, then have another intercambio with a native speaker.


Relax, but try to think in English. :)

These are just some of many ideas to help you improve your English.

English is very important nowadays. It is regarded as one of the most common languages in the world. English not only helps us communicate with foreigners, but it also is a strength for future jobs. Though, I am bad at speaking skill. I am not confident enough to speak English. So I think I have to practice speaking as much as possible. I will spend 2 hours a day to watch videos and imitate the way native speakers speak. Vocabulary is also important to speaking skill, so I decide to learn 5 new words a day. Going to Hoan Kiem Lake at the weekend is a good way to meet and talk to foreigners. I believe that if I strictly follow my plan, I will have many improvements in English.