Lily, a friend who lives in another country, has invited you to come and stay with her family on your next holiday. You are too busy to accept her invitation. Write a letter (about 80 words) to your friend. (Your name must be Hang) In your letter: * Thank her for the invitation. * Explain why you cannot come. * Suggest another time to visit. Mk đg cần gấp

2 câu trả lời

Dear Lily, 

I'm glad to receive your letter and know that you and your family are still good. I'm so pleased and happy when you invite me to your home next holiday. But I'm so sorry that I can't visit your home in the given time because my parents just booked a family tour to Ha Long Bay on that holiday. it must be a great trip since my family hasn't traveled for a long time. Do you think it is alright if I pay a visit to your country next summer? I will have more time to prepare.

Tell me if you agree.

I'm looking foward to receiving your reply.



Dear Lily

Hope this letter finds you're well. I just received your letter last Sunday. I'm glad that you've finally settled everything in Rome, Italy. Thank you so much for inviting me to spend my next holiday at your place. I can't believe you still remember that I've been always dreaming about going there and live for a month to enjoy the historical views. 

However, I'm not able to pay you a visit this Christmas. I promised my family I'll fly back to Korea and help my sister with her wedding. I'm thrilled that she's getting married in two months. As the maid of the bride, I'm in charge of her bachelor's party, so I'll have to wait for the next available holiday to see you. I promise I'll videotape everything about the wedding and share with you. 

I hope you understand me and I miss you so much. I'll be graduated next March and I'm not planning to work in the following six months after that. Do you have time for me in April then? Let's chat on Whatsapp to figure things out.  

Keep in touch.  

Lots of love, 


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