Làm nhanh được không ạ! Rewrite the sentences beginning in the way shown. 1 ‘Where are you going?’ asked Tom. Tom asked (me) where I was going. 2 ‘How did you know my name?’ the journalist asked the security guard. The journalist wanted to know _ ___________________________________. 3 ‘Do you have an appointment?’ asked the clerk. The clerk asked _____________________________________. 4 ‘Have you seen the blue memory stick?’ Bernie asked his wife. Bernie wondered _____________________________________. 5 ‘Why didn’t Isobel phone me?’ asked her brother. Isobel’s brother wanted to know _____________________________________. 6 ‘Will you carry my laptop for me please, Rosie?’ Richard asked. Richard asked _____________________________________. 7 ‘When can I see the doctor?’ Charles asked the receptionist. Charles asked _____________________________________.

1 câu trả lời


2. The journalist wanted to know how the security guard had known his name.

3. The clerk asked me if I had an appointment.

4. Bernie wondered if his wife had seen the blue memory stick.

5. Isobel's brother wanted to know why she hadn't phoned him.

6. Richard asked Rosie if she would carry his laptop for him.

7. Charles asked the receptionist when he could see the doctor.

Câu tường thuật dạng Yes/No questions : asked sb/wanted to know/wondered if S V(lùi thì)

Câu tường thuật -> luif thì




Will -> Would

Can -> Could

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