Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng 1. The Smith (is having/ are having) a barbecue in the backyard right now. 2. The train (just leaves/ has just left) for 10 minutes. 3. The police (haven’t caught/ hasn’t caught) the burglars yet. 4. Jim (is still reading/ has still read) the book he borrowed from the local library last week. 5. (Have you ever tried/ Are you ever trying) Indian cuisine before? No, this is my first time. 6. At present, my father (is having/ has) a car and a motorbike. 7. You should arrive at the airport before &:30 because the plane (takes off/ are taking off) at sharp 8. 8. Who (is/are) James talking to? 9. I (have read/read) five science books so far. 10. Coffee (has always been/ is always) my favorite drink since I was 20. 11. Why (are you always talking/ do you always talk) with your mouth full? 12. What (are you doing/ do you do) now? I am a linguist. 13. Look! It (is pouring/ pours) with rain. 14. Have you finished your homework yet? No, actually I (am working/ work) on it. 15. Mr. Brown (is sleeping/ has slept). I can hear his loud snoring.

2 câu trả lời

1is having

2 has just left

3havent caught

4 has still read

5have you ever tried

6 is having

7btakes off

8 is

9 have read

10 has always been

11 are you always talking

12 are you doing

13 is pouring

14 am working

15 is sleeping

1. is having

2. has just left

3. hasn’t caught

4. has still read

5. Have you ever tried

6. is having

7. takes off

8. is

9. have read

10. is always

11. do you always talk

12. are you doing

13. is pouring

14. am working

15. is sleeping

~Học tốt~

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