IV)-Fill each blank with a, an, or the to complete the following passage. (1)__________ Lo Lo ethnic group can be divided into Flower Lo Lo and Black Lo Lo. Living in Lung Cu since ancient time, the Lo Lo people have made many efforts in making (2)__________ homeland suitable for farming. (3)_________ Lo Lo folkloric culture is very rich and unique, demonstrated with dances, songs, legends. (4)_________ Lo Lo calendar divides a year into 11 months, each corresponding to (5)__________ animal’s name. Decorations on their turbans, shirts, skirts and trousers are particularly colourful. (6)___________ ancient bronze drums are very important. (7)___________ head of each family is entitled to keep the drums which are used only during funerals or festivals to maintain rhythms for dances. The Lo Lo people are among (8)____________ few ethnic groups in Vietnam who still use bronze drums, (9)__________ traditional musical instrument closely associated with (10)__________ legend about the Flood

2 câu trả lời

1. The

2. A

3/ the

4. the

5. an

6. an

7. The


9. a

10. the

1. The

2. A

3/ the

4. the

5. an

6. an

7. The


9. a

10. the

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