I.Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous. What (Joey and Lyly/ do) ………………………………….. while their parents were working onthe farm? II.Put the verbs in brackets in past perfect or past simple. 1. When she (finish) …………………….. her work, she (go) …………………….. to the cinema. 2. He (not eat) …………………….. until his parents (come) …………………….. home. 3. She (tell) …………………….. me she never (meet) …………………….. him. 4. He (do) …………………….. her homework before he (go) …………………….. out. 5. The lights (go) …………………..out the moment he (get) …………………..into the cinema. 6. Hardly the holiday (begin) ………………….. when they (leave) …………………….. the town. 7. They (be) ……………………..out for an hour when it (start) …………………….. to rain. 8. They (leave) …………………….. the shop as soon as they (buy) …………………….. everything they (need) …………………….. 9. The house (burn) ………….. to the ground buy the time the firemen (arrive) …………….. 10. As he (do) …………………….. a lot of work that day he (be) …………………….. very tired. 11. I already (hear) …………….. about the accident when he (tell) ……………….. me about it. 12. He (live) ………………….. in the country for ten years when he first (come) ………………….. to London. 13. I (not talk)…………………….. to him because when I (arrive) ……………………..he already (leave) …………………….. 14. When we (go) …………………….. out again, the wind (stop) …………………….. 15. He (think) ……….………. he (win) ………..……..in the lottery but he (not have) ………..…….. of course.

2 câu trả lời

1.What did Joely and Lyly do....


1.had finished/went

2.didn't eat/came


4.had done/went



7.had been/started

8.left/had bought/needed

9.had burned/arrived

10.had done/was


12.had lived/came

13.didn't talk/arrived

14.went/had stopped

15.though/had won/hadn't

1. had left – arrived
2. wondered – had left
3. didn’t leave – had finished
4. had entered – argued
5. asked – hadn’t done
6. had posted – realized – had sent
7. had the car gone – had
8. was – hadexpected
9. had been married – had
10. had they sold – regretted
11. had finished – went
12. hadn’t eaten – came
13. told – had met
14. had done – went
15. had gone – got

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